序号 |
德国标准 |
中文品名 |
英文品名 |
国际标准 |
中国标准 |
Item |
DIN-Standard |
Description in Chinese |
Description in English |
ISO-Standard |
GB-Standard |
1 |
DIN1 |
圆锥销 |
taper pins |
ISO2339 |
GB117 |
2 |
DIN7 |
圆柱销 |
parallel pins |
ISO2338 |
GB119-86 |
3 |
DIN84 |
开槽圆柱头螺钉 |
slotted cheese head screws |
ISO1207 |
GB65-85 |
4 |
DIN85 |
开槽盘头螺钉 |
slotted pan head screws |
ISO1580 |
GB67-85 |
5 |
DIN93 |
单耳止动垫圈 |
tab washers |
GB854 |
6 |
DIN94 |
开口销 |
split cotter pins |
ISO1234 |
GB91 |
7 |
DIN95 |
开槽半沉头木螺钉 |
slotted raised csk head wood screws |
GB101 |
8 |
DIN96 |
开槽半圆头木螺钉 |
slotted round head wood screws |
GB99 |
9 |
DIN97 |
开槽沉头木螺钉 |
slotted countersunk head wood screws |
GB100 |
10 |
DIN125-A |
平垫 |
plain washers |
ISO7089 |
GB97.1-85 |
11 |
DIN125-B |
平垫(带倒角) |
mediun washers |
ISO7090 |
GB97.2-85 |
12 |
DIN126 |
平垫 |
plain washers |
ISO7091 |
13 |
DIN127-A |
重型弹垫 |
spring lock washers,tang ends |
GB7244 |
14 |
DIN127-B |
标准弹垫 |
spring lock washers,square ends |
GB93-87 |
15 |
DIN128-A |
鞍形弹垫 |
single coil spring lock washers |
GB7245-87 |
16 |
DIN137-A |
弹簧止动垫圈 |
curved spring washers |
17 |
DIN137-B |
波形弹垫 |
wave spring washers |
GB955 |
18 |
DIN186 |
T型t颈螺栓 |
T-head bolts with square neck |
GB37-88 |
19 |
DIN188 |
T型双接头螺栓 |
T-head bolts with double nip |
20 |
DIN258 |
螺纹圆锥销 |
taper pins with threaded end |
ISO8737 |
21 |
DIN261 |
T型头螺栓 |
T-head bolts |
22 |
DIN315AF |
蝶型螺母(美制) |
wing nuts amercia form |
23 |
DIN315DF |
蝶型螺母(德制) |
wing nuts germany form |
GB62-88 |
24 |
DIN316AF |
蝶型螺钉(美制) |
wing screws amercia form |
/font> |
25 |
DIN317DF |
蝶型螺钉(德制) |
wing screws germany form |
26 |
DIN319 |
圆球型盖型螺母 |
ball knobs |
27 |
DIN404 |
开槽带孔 面圆柱头螺钉 |
slotted capstan screws |
GB832-88 |
28 |
DIN417 |
开槽长圆柱端紧定螺钉 |
slotted set srews with full dog point |
ISO7435 |
GB75-85 |
29 |
DIN427 |
开槽平端紧定螺钉(半牙) |
slotted set srews with chamfered end |
ISO2342 |
GB73-85 |
30 |
DIN431 |
小六角特薄细牙螺母 |
pipe nuts with thread |
GB808-88 |
31 |
DIN432 |
外舌止动垫圈 |
external tap |
GB856-88 |
32 |
DIN433 |
小垫圈(用于圆柱头螺钉) |
washers for cheese head screws |
ISO7092 |
GB848-95 |
33 |
DIN434 |
方斜垫圈(U型) |
square taper washers for U-section |
GB852-88 |
34 |
DIN435 |
方斜垫圈(I型) |
square taper washers for I-sections |
GB852-88 |
35 |
DIN436 |
方垫圈 |
square washers |
36 |
DIN438 |
开槽凹端紧定螺钉 |
slotted set with cup point |
ISO7436 |
GB74-85 |
37 |
DIN439 |
六角薄螺母 |
hexagon thin nuts |
ISO4035 |
GB6172-86 |
38 |
DIN439 |
细牙六角薄螺母 |
hexagon thin nuts |
ISO8675 |
GB6173-86 |
39 |
DIN440 |
木螺钉专用垫圈 |
rounds washers for wood constructions |
ISO7094 |
40 |
DIN443 |
密封帽 |
sealing caps,push-in type |
41 |
DIN444 |
活节螺栓B 型 |
eye bolts form B |
GB798-88 |
42 |
DIN462 |
内舌止动垫圈 |
internal tab washers |
43 |
DIN463 |
双耳止动垫圈 |
washers with two taps |
GB855-88 |
44 |
DIN464 |
滚花高头螺钉 |
knurled thumb screws with collar |
GB834-88 |
45 |
DIN465 |
开槽滚花高头螺钉 |
slotted knurled thumb screws with collar |
46 |
DIN466 |
滚花高螺母 |
knurled thumb nuts with collar |
GB806-88 |
47 |
DIN467 |
滚花薄螺母 |
knurled thumb thin nuts |
GB807-88 |
48 |
DIN470 |
锁紧垫圈 |
sealing washers |
49 |
DIN471 |
轴用弹性挡圈 |
retaining rings for shafts(external),circlips |
GB894.1-86 |
50 |
DIN472 |
孔用弹性挡圈 |
retaining rings for bores(internal),circlips |
GB893.1-86 |
51 |
DIN478 |
方头带垫螺栓 |
square head bolts with collar |
52 |
DIN479 |
方头圆柱底端螺 |
square head bolts with half dog point |
53 |
DIN480 |
方头带垫半圆底端螺栓 |
square head bolts with collar,half dog point and rounded end |
54 |
DIN508 |
T型槽螺母 |
T-slot nuts |
ISO299 |
55 |
DIN525 |
单头螺柱 |
single end studs |
56 |
DIN529 |
地脚螺栓 |
masonry bolts |
GB799-88 |
57 |
DIN546 |
带槽圆螺母 |
slotted round nuts |
GB817-76 |
58 |
DIN547 |
端面带孔圆螺母 |
round nuts with drilled holes in one face |
GB815-88 |
59 |
DIN551 |
开槽平端紧定螺钉 |
slotted sit screws with flat point |
ISO4776 |
GB73-85 |
60 |
DIN553 |
开槽锥端紧定螺钉 |
slotted set screws with cone point |
ISO7434 |
GB71-85 |
61 |
DIN555 |
六角螺母 |
hexagon nuts |
ISO4034 |
62 |
DIN557 |
方螺母-C |
square nuts |
GB39-88 |
63 |
DIN558 |
六角头螺钉 |
hexagon screws |
ISO4018 |
64 |
DIN561 |
六角头圆柱端紧定螺钉 |
hexagon set screws with full dog point |
65 |
DIN562 |
薄型方螺母-B |
square nuts without bevel(pressed nuts) |
66 |
DIN571 |
六角头木螺钉 |
hexagon head wood screws (coach screws) |
GB102-86 |
67 |
DIN580 |
吊环螺钉 |
lifting eye bolts |
ISO3266 |
GB825-76 |
68 |
DIN582 |
吊环螺母 |
lifting eye nuts |
69 |
DIN601 |
六角头螺栓 |
hexagon bolts |
ISO4016 |
70 |
DIN603 |
大半圆头方颈螺栓(马车螺栓) |
mushroom head square neck bolts (carriage bolts) |
ISO8677 |
GB14-88 |
71 |
DIN604 |
沉头带插销马车螺栓 |
flat countersunk nib bolts |
72 |
DIN605 |
沉头长方颈马车螺栓 |
flat countersunk long square neck bolts |
73 |
DIN607 |
半圆头带插销马车螺栓 |
cup head nib bolts |
74 |
DIN608 |
沉头短方颈马车螺栓 |
flat countersunk short square neck bolts |
75 |
DIN609 |
六角头精配了ǎǔぢ菸疲 |
hexagon fitted bolts,long thread |
76 |
DIN610 |
六角头精配螺栓(短螺纹 |
hexagon fitted bolts,short thread |
77 |
DIN653 |
滚花平头螺钉 |
knurled thumb screws thin type |
GB835-88 |
78 |
DIN660 |
半圆头铆钉 |
round head rivets |
ISO1051 |
GB867-86 |
79 |
DIN661 |
沉头铆钉 |
contersunk head rivets |
ISO1051 |
GB869-86 |
80 |
DIN662 |
半沉头铆钉 |
raised contersunk head rivets |
ISO1051 |
81 |
DIN674 |
大扁头铆钉 |
mushroom head rivets |
ISO1051 |
82 |
DIN703 |
重型侧面带孔圆螺母 |
adjusting rings,heavy range (shafting collars) |
83 |
DIN705 |
侧面带孔圆螺母 |
adjusting rings,light range (shafting collars) |
GB816-88 |
84 |
DIN741 |
卡头 |
wire rope clips |
85 |
DIN787 |
T型槽螺钉 |
T-slot screws |
ISO299 |
86 |
DIN835 |
头螺柱(牙长=2D) |
studs-metal (end=2d) |
GB900-88 |
87 |
DIN906 |
内六角锥型闭锁螺钉 |
hexagon socket pipe plugs,conical thread |
88 |
DIN908 |
内六角直型闭锁螺钉 |
hexagon socket screw plugs,cyl. thread |
89 |
DIN909 |
外六角锥型闭锁螺钉 |
hexagon head pipe plugs,conical thread |
90 |
DIN910 |
外六角直型闭锁螺钉 |
hexagon head screw plugs,cyl.thread |
91 |
DIN911 |
内六角扳手 |
socket wrenches |
ISO2936 |
92 |
DIN912 |
内六角圆柱头螺钉 |
hexagon socket cap screws |
ISO4762 |
GB70-85 |
93 |
DIN913 |
内六角平端紧定螺钉 |
hexagon socket set screws with flat point |
ISO4026 |
GB77-85 |
94 |
DIN914 |
内六角尖端紧定螺钉 |
hexagon socket set screws with cone point |
ISO4027 |
GB78-85 |
95 |
DIN915 |
内六角圆柱端紧定螺钉 |
hexagon socket set screws with dog point |
ISO4028 |
GB79-85 |
96 |
DIN916 |
内六角凹端紧定螺钉 |
hexagon socket set screws with cup point |
ISO4029 |
GB80-85 |
97 |
DIN917 |
薄型盲螺母 |
hexagon cap nuts |
98 |
DIN920 |
开槽小圆柱头螺钉 |
slotted short cheese head screws |
99 |
DIN921 |
开槽大圆柱头螺钉 |
slotted large cheese head screws |
GB838-88 |
100 |
DIN923 |
开槽圆柱头轴肩螺钉 |
slotted pan head screws with shoulder |
GB830-88 |
101 |
DIN927 |
开槽无头轴肩螺钉 |
slotted shoulder screws |
102 |
DIN928 |
焊接方螺母 |
square weld nuts |
GB/T13680-92 |
103 |
DIN929 |
焊接六角螺母 |
hexagon weld nuts |
GB/T13681-92 |
104 |
DIN931 |
六角头螺栓(半牙) |
hexagon head screws |
ISO4014 |
GB5782-86 |
105 |
DIN933 |
六角头螺栓(全牙) |
hexagon head screws |
ISO4017 |
GB5783-86 |
106 |
DIN934 |
六角头螺母(1型) |
hexagon full nuts |
ISO4032 |
GB6170-86 |
107 |
DIN934 |
细牙六角头螺母(1型) |
hexagon full nuts |
ISO8673 |
GB6171-86 |
108 |
DIN935 |
开槽六角螺母 |
hexagon slotted and castle nuts |
ISO7035 |
GB6178-86 |
109 |
DIN936 |
六角头薄螺母 |
hexagon thin nuts |
ISO4035 |
GB6172.1-86 |
110 |
DIN937 |
六角头开槽薄螺母 |
hexagon thin slotted and castle nuts |
ISO7038 |
GB6181-86 |
111 |
DIN938 |
双头螺距(牙长=1D) |
studs metal (end=1d) |
GB897-88 |
112 |
DIN939 |
双头螺距(牙长=1.25D) |
studs metal (end=1.25d) |
GB898-88 |
113 |
DIN940 |
双头螺距(牙长=1.5D) |
studs metal (end=1.5d) |
114 |
DIN960 |
六角头细牙螺栓(半牙) |
hexagon head bolts,metric fine pitch thread |
ISO8765 |
GB5785-86 |
115 |
DIN961 |
六角头细牙螺栓(全牙) |
hexagon head bolts,metric fine pitch thread |
ISO8676 |
GB5786-86 |
116 |
DIN962 |
头部穿孔六角头螺栓 |
additional shapes and versions for bolts |
117 |
DIN963 |
开槽沉头螺钉 |
slotted countersund head screws |
ISO 2009 |
GB68-85 |
118 |
DIN964 |
开槽半沉头螺钉 |
slotted raised countersunk oval head screws |
ISO 2010 |
GB69-85 |
119 |
DIN965 |
十字槽沉头螺钉 |
cross recessed countersunk head screws |
ISO7046 |
GB819-85 |
120 |
DIN966 |
十字槽半沉头螺钉 |
cross recessed raised countersunk head screws |
ISO7047 |
GB820-85 |
121 |
DIN970 |
六角头螺母 |
hexagon nuts type-1 |
122 |
DIN971 |
六角头螺母 |
hexagon nuts type-2 |
123 |
DIN972 |
牙六角头螺母(2型) |
hexagon nuts with fine thread |
ISO8674 |
GB6176-86 |
124 |
DIN975 |
牙条(全 纹) |
threaded rods(studdings) |
GB15389-94 |
125 |
DIN976 |
螺纹销 |
threaded pins(stud bolts) |
126 |
DIN979 |
六角头开槽薄螺母(2型) |
hexagon thin slotted and castle nuts |
127 |
DIN980 |
全金属六角锁紧螺母(1型) |
prevailling torque type hexagon nuts,all metall nuts |
ISO7199 |
GB6184-86 |
128 |
DIN981 |
圆螺母 |
locknuts |
ISO2982 |
GB812-88 |
129 |
DIN982 |
六角头尼龙锁紧螺母 |
prevailling torque type hexagon nuts,heavy type ,with nylon insert |
ISO7040 |
GB889.1-86 |
130 |
DIN985 |
六角头薄型尼龙锁紧螺母 |
prevailling torque type hexagon nuts,heavy type ,with nylon insert |
ISO10511 |
GB6172.2-86 |
131 |
DIN986 |
六角盖型尼龙锁紧螺母 |
prevailling torque typedomed capnuts with nylon insert |
132 |
DIN988 |
配合垫片 |
shim rings |
133 |
DIN1052 |
木材连接用垫片 |
washers for timber connectors |
134 |
DIN1151 |
沉头钢钉 |
round plain head nails |
135 |
DIN1440 |
销钉专用垫片A型 |
plain washers for clevis pins(A型) |
ISO8738 |
136 |
DIN1441 |
销钉专用垫片 |
plain washers for clevis pins |
137 |
DIN1444 |
带头销钉 |
clevis pins with head |
ISO2341 |
138 |
DIN1471 |
圆锥型槽销 |
grooved pins,taper grooved |
ISO8744 |
GB/T13829.2 |
139 |
DIN1472 |
圆锥型槽销(半槽) |
grooved pins,taper grooved half length |
ISO8745 |
GB/T13829.2 |
140 |
DIN1473 |
平行槽销(带倒角) |
grooved pins,parallel grooved full length |
ISO8740 |
141 |
DIN1474 |
前端凹槽槽销 |
grooved pins,reserve grooved half length |
ISO8741 |
142 |
DIN1475 |
中部凹槽槽销 |
grooved pins,centre grooved |
ISO8742 |
143 |
DIN1476 |
圆头槽销 |
grooved pins with round head |
ISO8746 |
GB/T13829.3 |
144 |
DIN1477 |
沉头槽销 |
grooved pins with countersunk head |
ISO8747 |
145 |
DIN1479 |
六角螺 棒 |
turnuckles(centre parts),made out of hexagon bar |
146 |
DIN1480 |
花篮螺栓 |
turnuckles with eye bolt and hook bolt |
147 |
DIN1481 |
弹性圆柱销 |
spring pins,heavy type |
ISO8752 |
GB879-86 |
148 |
DIN1587 |
组合式盖型螺母 |
hexagon domed cap nuts |
GB802-88 |
149 |
DIN1804 |
开槽圆螺母(配合沟头扳手) |
slotted round nuts for hook spanner |
150 |
DIN1816 |
圆螺母(带插销孔) |
round nuts with set holes |
151 |
DIN2093 |
盘型弹簧垫圈 |
disc springs |
152 |
DIN3017 |
喉箍 |
hose clamps |
153 |
DIN3404 |
润滑油嘴(旋扭头) |
lubricating nipples,button head |
154 |
DIN3567 |
管夹 |
shackles for conduilts |
155 |
DIN3570 |
U型螺栓 |
stirrup bolts(U-bolts) |
156 |
DIN6319 |
球面垫圈 |
spherical washers,conical seats |
GB849-88 |
157 |
DIN6325 |
圆柱销 |
parallel pins |
ISO8734 |
158 |
DIN6330 |
厚六角螺母 |
hexagon nuts ,1.5d |
GB56-88 |
159 |
DIN6331 |
厚六角法兰面螺母 |
hexagon nuts ,1.5d with collar |
GB6177-86 |
160 |
DIN6334 |
长六角螺母 |
hexagon nuts ,3d |
161 |
DIN6797-A |
外齿锁紧垫圈 |
external teeth lock washers |
GB862.1-87 |
162 |
DIN6797-I |
内齿锁紧垫圈 |
internal teeth lock washers |
GB861.1-87 |
163 |
DIN6798-A |
外锯齿锁紧垫圈 |
external teeth serrated lock washers |
GB862.2-87 |
164 |
DIN6798-I |
内锯齿锁紧垫圈 |
internal teeth serrated lock washers |
GB861.2-87 |
165 |
DIN6799 |
开口挡圈 |
retaining rings for shafts(E-rings),circlips |
GB896-76 |
166 |
DIN6885 |
平键(A型) |
parallel keys(form A ) |
ISO773/2491 |
167 |
DIN6888 |
半圆键 |
woodruff keys |
ISO3912 |
168 |
DIN6899 |
嵌环(支撑环) |
thimbles |
169 |
DIN6900 |
机器螺钉和垫圈组合件 |
screws and washers assemblies |
GB9074.1-.17 |
170 |
DIN6901 |
自攻螺钉和垫圈组合件 |
tapping screws and washers assemblies |
GB9074.18-.23 |
171 |
DIN6912 |
薄型带孔内六角圆柱头螺钉 |
hexagon socket head cap screws with hole,low head |
172 |
DIN6914 |
大六角头螺栓 |
hexagon head bolts with large head(friction grip bolts) |
173 |
DIN6915 |
大六角螺母 |
hexagon nuts with large wideth across flat(friction grip nuts) |
174 |
DIN6916 |
大垫圈 |
round washers for friction grip bolts |
175 |
DIN6917 |
楔型方垫圈 |
spuare taper washers for friction grip bolts on T-sections |
176 |
DIN6923 |
六角法兰面螺母 |
hexagon flange nuts |
ISO4161 |
GB6177-86 |
177 |
DIN6925 |
全金属六角锁紧螺母(2型) |
prevailing torque type hexagon nuts,all metallic nuts |
ISO7042 |
GB6185.1-2000 |
178 |
DIN7337 |
开口型抽芯铆钉(沉头、扁圆头) |
blind rivets |
GB12617/12618 |
179 |
DIN7338 |
扁平头半空心/全空心铆钉 |
rivets for brake and clutch lining |
GB875/975-86 |
180 |
DIN7343 |
螺旋夹紧销 |
spiral pins |
ISO8750 |
181 |
DIN7346 |
轻型弹性圆柱销 |
spring pins,light type |
ISO13337 |
182 |
DIN7349 |
重型弹性圆柱销用垫圈 |
washers for bolts with heavy type spring pinss |
183 |
DIN7500 |
ISO公制螺纹螺钉(多种头型) |
threadforming screws for ISO-metric thread |
184 |
DIN7504 |
自攻自钻螺钉(多种头型) |
self-drilling tapping screws |
185 |
DIN7513 |
开槽切削螺纹螺钉(多种头型) |
thread cutting screws |
186 |
DIN7516 |
十字槽切削螺纹螺钉(多种头型) |
thread cutting screws cross recess |
187 |
DIN7965font> |
T型四爪螺母 |
tee nuts with pronge |
188 |
DIN7968 |
钢结构用六角头螺栓连接副 |
hexagon head fitted bolts for steel structures |
GB1228/1229/1230 |
189 |
DIN7971 |
开槽盘头自攻螺钉 |
pan head tapping screws with slot |
ISO1481 |
GB5282-85 |
190 |
DIN7972 |
开槽沉头自攻螺钉 |
countersunk flat head tapping screws with slot |
ISO1482 |
GB5283-85 |
191 |
DIN7973 |
开槽半沉头自攻螺钉 |
raised countersunk oval head tapping screws with slot |
ISO1483 |
GB5284-85 |
192 |
DIN7976 |
六角头自攻螺钉 |
hexagon tapping screws |
ISO1479 |
GB5285-85 |
193 |
DIN7980 |
圆柱头螺钉用弹簧垫圈 |
spring lock washers for screws with cylindrical heads |
ISO8738 |
194 |
DIN7981 |
十字槽盘头自攻螺钉 |
pan head tapping screws with cross recessed |
ISO 7049 |
GB845-85 |
195 |
DIN7982 |
十字槽沉头自攻螺钉 |
countersunk flat head tapping screws with cross recessed |
ISO7050 |
GB846-85 |
196 |
DIN7983 |
十字槽半沉头自攻螺钉 |
raised countersunk oval head tapping screws with cross recessed |
ISO7051 |
GB847-86 |
197 |
DIN7984 |
薄型内六角圆柱头螺钉 |
hexagon socket head cap screws with,reduced head |
198 |
DIN7985 |
十字槽盘头螺钉 |
pan head screws with cross recessed |
ISO7045 |
GB818-85 |
199 |
DIN7989 |
钢结构用垫圈 |
washers for steel structures |
GB1230-84 |
200 |
DIN7990 |
钢结构用六角头螺栓 |
hexagon head bolts for steel structures |
GB1229-84 |
201 |
DIN7991 |
内六角沉头螺钉 |
hexagon socket countersunk head screws |
ISO10642 |
G |
202 |
DIN7993 |
轴用钢丝挡圈 |
roundwire snap rings for shafts |
GB895.2-86 |
203 |
DIN7995 |
十字槽半沉头木螺钉 |
cross recessed raised countersunk head wood screws |
GB952-86 |
204 |
DIN7996 |
十字槽圆头木螺钉 |
cross recessed round head wood screws |
GB950-86 |
205 |
DIN7997 |
十字槽沉头木螺钉 |
cross recessed countersunk head wood screws |
GB951-86 |
206 |
DIN8140 |
螺纹护套(普通自锁等) |
ciol inserts,coarse,fine thread,silf locking |
207 |
DIN9021 |
大外径垫圈 |
washers,outside diameter appro.3d |
ISO7093 |
GB96-85 |
208 |
DIN11024 |
弹簧卡子 |
spring cotter for a bolt |
209 |
DIN13257 |
平板螺栓 |
belting bolts (elevator bolts) |
210 |
DIN18182 |
干壁钉(墙板钉) |
dry wall screws |
211 |
DIN28129 |
环型螺母 |
lifting nuts(eye nuts) |
GB63-88 |
212 |
DIN70952 |
圆螺母用止退垫圈 |
tab washers for slotted round nuts |
GB858-88 |