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机床数控改造_Machine tool numerical control reforms(13)

2020-04-12    作者:未知    来源:网络文摘

NC selection system is based mainly CNC machine modified to achieve the various precision, motor-driven power and user requirements. 
Sixth, the transformation of NC modification of the main mechanical components 
A new CNC machine tools in the design to achieve: a high static and dynamic stiffness of movement of the friction coefficient between small, transmission without clearance; big power; easy operation and maintenance. CNC transformation should be possible to achieve the above requirements. NC devices that can not be connected together with the general machine tools to reach the requirements of the NC machine tool, should also be major components corresponding to the transformation of up to a certain design requirements can be anticipated adaptation. 
6.1, sliding Guideway 
On the NC lathe, in addition to a general guide lathes and precision of sexual orientation, but also a good Naimaca, wear characteristics, and reduce the frictional resistance to the death zone. At the same time there must be enough stiffness to reduce rail deformation on the impact of machining accuracy, a reasonable guide protection and lubrication. 
6.2, deputy Gear 
General Machine concentrated in the main gear box and gearbox in the spindle. In order to ensure transmission accuracy, the use of CNC machine tool accuracy of gear higher grades than the general machine tools. In the structure must be able to achieve seamless transmission, thus transforming, machine main gear must meet the requirements of CNC machine tools, in order to ensure accuracy machining. 
6.3, and the ball screw sliding leadscrew 

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