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机床数控改造_Machine tool numerical control reforms(6)

2020-04-12    作者:未知    来源:网络文摘

traditional industries than about 20 years behind developed countries. Such as possession of machine tools in China, the proportion of CNC machine tools (CNC rate) in 1995 to only 1.9 percent, while Japan in 1994 reached 20.8 percent, every year a large number of imports of mechanical and electrical products. This also explains the macro CNC transformation of the need.
Third, CNC machine tools and production lines of the transformation of the market 
3.1, CNC transformation of the market 
My current machine total more than 380 million units, of which only the total number of CNC machine tool 113,400 Taiwan, or that China's CNC rate of less than 3 percent. Over the past 10 years, China's annual output of about 0.6 CNC machine tools to 0.8 million units, an annual output value of about 1.8 billion yuan. CNC machine tools annual rate of 6 per cent. China's machine tool easements over age 10 account for more than 60% below the 10 machines, automatic / semi-automatic machine less than 20 per cent, FMC / FMS, such as a handful more automated production line (the United States and Japan automatic and semi-automatic machine, 60 percent above). This shows that we the majority of manufacturing industries and enterprises of the production, processing equipment is the great majority of traditional machine tools, and more than half of military age is over 10 years old machine. Processing equipment used by the prevalence of poor quality products, less variety, low-grade, high cost, supply a long period, in view of the international and domestic markets, lack of competitiveness, and a direct impact on a company's products, markets, efficiency and impact The survival and development of enterprises. Therefore, we must vigorously r

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