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机床数控改造_Machine tool numerical control reforms(9)

2020-04-12    作者:未知    来源:网络文摘

4.2, the content of NC 
 Machine tools and production line NC transformation main contents of the following: 
One is the restoration of the original features of the machine tools, production line of the fault diagnosis and recovery; second NC, in the ordinary machine augends significant installations, or additions to NC system, transformed into NC machine tools, CNC machine tools; its Third, renovation, to improve accuracy, efficiency and the degree of automation, mechanical, electrical part of the renovation, re-assembly of mechanical parts processing, restore the original accuracy of their production requirements are not satisfied with the latest CNC system update; Fourth, the technology updates or technical innovation, to enhance performance or grades, or for the use of new technology, new technologies, based on the original technology for large-scale update or technological innovation, and more significantly raise the level, and grades of upgrading. 
4.3, NC transformation of the gifted missing 
4.3.1 reduce the amount of investment, shorter delivery time 
4.3.1 减少投资额、交货期短
 Compared with the purchase of new machine, the general can save 60% to 80% of the costs and transforming low-cost. Especially for large, special machine tools particularly obvious. General t

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