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Automobile Brake System-汽车制动系统(5)

2020-04-12    作者:未知    来源:网络文摘

The control unit’s function can be divided into three parts: signal processing, logic and safety circuitry. The signal processing section is the converter that receives the alternating current signals form the speed sensors and converts them into digital form for the logic section. The logic section then analyzes the digitized signals to calculate any brake pressure changes needed. If impending lockup is sensed, the logic section sends commands to the modulator assembly.

Modulator assembly

The hydraulic modulator assembly regulates pressure to the wheel brakes when it receives commands from the control utuit. The modulator assembly can maintain or reduce pressure over the level it receives from the master cylinder, it also can never apply the brakes by itself. The modulator assembly consists of three high-speed electric solenoid valves, two fluid reservoirs and a turn delivery pump equipped with inlet and outlet check valves. The modulator electrical connector and controlling relays are concealed under a plastic cover of the assembly.

Each front wheel is served by electric solenoid valve modulated independently by the control unit. The rear brakes are served by a single solenoid valve and modulated together using the select-low principle. During anti-braking system operation, the control unit cycles the solenoid valves to either hold or release pressure the brake lines. When pressure is released from the brake lines during anti-braking operation, it is routed to a fluid reservoir. There is one reservoir for the front brake circuit. The reservoirs are low-pressure accumulators that store fluid under slight spring pressure until the return delivery pump can return the fluid through the brake lines to the master cylinder.


制动系统是汽车中最重要的系统。 如果制动失灵,结果可能是损失惨重的。制动器实际就是能量转换装置,它将汽车的动能(动量)转化成热能(热量)。当驾驶员踩下制动踏板,所产生的制动力是汽车运动时动力的10倍。制动系统能对四个刹车系统中的每个施加数千磅的力。


行车制动器起到减速、停车、或保持车辆正常行驶。制动器是由司机用脚踩、松制动器踏板来控制的。驻车制动器的主要作用就是 车内无人的时候,汽车能够保持静止。当独立的驻车制动器—踏板或手杆,被安装时,驻车制动器就会被机械地操作。

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