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High-speed milling——高速铣削(3)

2020-04-12    作者:未知    来源:网络文摘

1.5 Can be part of some alternative technology, such as EDM, grinding high intensity and high hardness processing

High-speed cutting a major feature of high-speed cutting machine has the hardness of HRC60 parts. With the use of coated carbide cutter mold processing, directly to the installation of a hardened tool steel processing forming, effectively avoid the installation of several parts of the fixture error and improve the parts of the geometric location accuracy. In the mold of traditional processing, heat treatment hardening of the workpiece required EDM, high-speed machining replace the traditional method of cutting the processing, manufacturing process possible to omit die in EDM, simplifying the processing technology and investment costs . 
High-speed milling in the precincts of CNC machine tools, or for processing centre, also in the installation of high-speed spindle on the general machine tools. The latter not only has the processing capacity of general machine tools, but also for high-speed milling, a decrease of investment in equipment, machine tools increased flexibility. Cutting high-speed processing can improve the efficiency, quality improvement, streamline processes, investment and machine tool investment and maintenance costs rise, but comprehensive, can significantly increase economic efficiency.

2 High-speed milling

High-speed milling the main technical high-speed cutting technology is cutting the development direction of one of it with CNC technology, microelectronic technology, new materials and new technology, such as technology development to a higher level. High-speed machine tools and high-speed tool to achieve high-speed cutting is the prerequisite and basic conditions, in high-speed machining in the performance of high-speed machine tool material of choice and there are strict requirements. 
2.1 High-speed milling machine in order to achieve high-speed machining

General use of highly flexible high-speed CNC machine tools, machining centers, and some use a dedicated high-speed milling, drilling. At the same time a high-speed ma

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