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2020-04-12    作者:未知    来源:网络文摘

2 NC Technology and the development of basic industries estimate
2 对我国数控技术及其产业发展的基本估计
NC Technology started in 1958, nearly 50 years of development history can be divided into three stages : The first stage was from 1958 to 1979, closed development stage. At this stage, as foreign technology blockade, and our basic conditions, the development of NC relatively slow. The second stage is the "June 5", "Plan" and during the "Eighth Five-year Plan," a period that the introduction of technology, absorbing system made preliminary stage. At this stage, due to the importance of reform and opening up and national and international research and development environment and the improvement of the environment. NC Technology research and development of products made considerable progress has been made. The third stage is in the "Eighth Five-year Plan," and later the "Ninth Five-Year Plan" period, namely the implementation of the industry, market competition stage. At this stage, our domestic CNC equipment industry has made substantial progress. During the "Ninth Five-year Plan" period, the domestic market share of domestic CNC machine tools, 50% NC domestic distribution system (universal) have also reached 10%. Taking the NC Technology development for nearly 50 years, especially in the wake of four five-year plan to tackle difficult problems. Generally speaking, the following results. A. NC technology laid the basis for the development of basic techniques of modern CNC. China has basically mastered from the NC system, servo-driven, NC server, pieces of the plane and its supporting infrastructure technology, Most already have the technology for commercialization of the base, some technology commercialization, industrialization. B. NC initially formed the industrial base. Commercialization of research results and in part on the basis of technology, such as the establishment of a central NC. NASA NC NC system with the ability to mass production factories. Lanzhou Electrical Machinery Plant, a number of central CNC servo system and servo motor manufacturers and the Beijing No. 1 Machine Tool Plant. Jinan No. 1 Machine Tool Plant several NC mainframe production. These manufacturers have formed an NC basic industrial base. C. NC establish a research, development, the basic management team. Although the NC and industrial technology research and development has made considerable progress, However, we must also clearly understand that our high-end CNC technology research and development, especially in the industrial and technological level of China's real situation, there is a large gap between demand. Despite the rapid development of China's vertical, horizontal ratio (compared with foreign countries) have not only skills gap the pace of development in some areas there are gaps that some of sophisticated CNC trend of widening the gap between the level of technical equipment. From the international perspective, the level of industrial and technological level of China NC estimated as follows. A. Technical level, and the advanced level of about 10-15 years behind the sophisticated technology is even greater. B. Industrial level, the market share of low coverage of small species, not scale production; specialized components and complete sets of low production levels; relatively poor quality appearance; reliability is not high, commercialization of inadequate; Domestic NC system is not yet set up their own branding, user confidence. C. On the capacity of sustainable development of pre-competitive research and development of NC technology, engineering capability is weak; NC efforts to expand the application of technology is not strong; Standards related research, developing backward.
    我国数控技术起步于1958年,近50年的发展历程大致可分为3个阶段:第一阶段从1958年到1979年,即封闭式发展阶段。在此阶段,由于国外的技术封锁和我国的基础条件的限制,数控技术的发展较为缓慢。第二阶段是在国家的“六五”、“七五”期间以及“八五”的前期,即引进技术,消化吸收,初步建立起国产化体系阶段。在此阶段,由于改革开放和国家的重视,以及研究开发环境和国际环境的改善,我国数控技术的研究、开发以及在产品的国产化方面都取得了长足的进步。第三阶段是在国家的“八五”的后期和“九五”期间,即实施产业化的研究,进入市场竞争阶段。在此阶段,我国国产数控装备的产业化诘昧耸抵市越步。在“九五”末期,国产数控机床的国内市场占有率达50%,配国产数控系统(普及型)也达到了10%。 纵观我国数控技术近50年的发展历程,特别是经过4个5年计划的攻关,总体来看取得了以下成绩。 a.奠定了数控技术发展的基础,基本掌握了现代数控技术。我国现在诨本掌握了从数控系统、伺服驱动、数控主机、专机及其配套件的基础技术,其中大部分技术已具备进行商品化开发的基础,部分技术已商品化、产业化。 b.初步形成了数控产业基地。在攻关成果和部分技术商品化的基础上,建立了诸如华中数控、航天数控等具有批量生产能力的数控系统生产厂。兰州电机厂、华中数控等一批伺服系统和伺服电机生产厂以及北京第一机床厂、济南第一机床厂等若干数控主机生产厂。这些生产厂基本形成了我国的数控产业基地。 c.建立了一支数控研究、开发、管理人才的基本队伍。 虽然在数控技术的研究开发以及产业化方面取得了长足的巢剑但我们也要清醒地认识到,我国高端数控技术的研究开发,尤其是在产业化方面的技术水平现状与我国的现实需求还有较大的差距。虽然从纵向看我国的发展速度很快,但横向比(与国外对比)不仅技术水平有差距,在某些方面发展速度也有差距,即一些高精尖的数控装备的技术水平尘嘤欣┐笄魇啤4庸际上来看,对我国数控技术水平和产业化水平估计大致如下。 a.技术水平上,与国外先进水平大约落后10~15年,在高精尖技术方面则更大。 b.产业化水平上,市场占有率低,品种覆盖率小,还没有形成规模生产;功能部件专业化生产水平及成套能力较低;外观质量扯圆睿豢煽啃圆桓撸商品化程度不足;国产数控系统尚未建立自己的品牌效应,用户信心不足。 c.可持续发展的能力上,对竞争前数控技术的研究开发、工程化能力较弱;数控技术应用领域拓展力度不强;相关标准规范的研究、制定滞后。
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