搞学习 > 外文翻译


2020-04-12    作者:未知    来源:网络文摘

1  Introduction to Modern Manufacturing

A What is Manufacturing?

Maybe you've never thought about it before, but it is all around you. It affects every part of your life. What is it? In this case, "it" is manufacturing. Actually "manufacturing" is not all around you. But manufactured products are. Look around you right now. Name some things you see that were manufactured. Chairs, notebooks, blue jeans, chalkboard, books floor tile, light bulbs, pencils, eyeglasses – nearly everything around you was manufactured.

Manufacturing affects our daily lives – what we wear (blue jeans), what we eat (breakfast cereal), what we watch (television), how we travel (cars), and many, many other things. In this text, you will learn more about this process, this industry, called manufacturing.

Imagine your life without manufacturing. You would have no bicycle to ride, no television to watch, and no sneakers to wear. There would be no clothes, no furniture, no airplanes. Lifesaving devices such as artificial hearts could not even be imagined. Manufacturing is making products. And the products can be large or small, simple or complex.

Making parts and putting them together is manufacturing, if you make parts and put them together to make a product, you are manufacturing. But, today, when most people think of manufacturing, they think you the manufacturing industry.

The manufacturing industry is important to our society. It's essential to our economy. An economy is a system for producing and distributing products and services. Many people work in manufacturing. They help produce products. And they buy products with the money they earn. The more products people buy, the more products are manufactured. And this allows more people to work.

Manufacturing is also important to the economy in another way. A piece of material is worth more after it's been changed into a useful product. That's value added. Value is increased by the manufacturing process.

added value 附加值

a piece of material 一块原材料

manufacturing process 制造工艺

put manufactured parts together 组装零件

lifesaving device 救生装置,指人造心脏(artificial heart)等人造器官

B     Automated Factory and Automatic Factory

The combination of computerized planning, production, and control or Computer Integrated Manufacturing (CIM) is an efficient way to manufacture parts and products. But buying all the hardware and software is expensive.

There are two stages of development in CIM: automated factory  and  automatic factory.

The Automated Factory

An automated factory is one in which many of the processes are self-operating. That is, the processes are directed and controlled by computers. The automated factory includes: manufacturing cells, islands of automation, and flexible manufacturing systems

Manufacturing cells are groups of machines working together as directed by a computer. Manufacturing dells that aren't connected in any way are called islands of automation. They're like islands in an ocean. Each is independent of the others.

Flexible manufacturing systems (FMS) are groups of manufacturing cells and flexible machining centers (FMC). The cells and FMCs are tied together by an automated materials-handling system and by computer control.

The Automatic Factory

Imagine a factory in which there are no people working. All the parts are made by automatic machines. All materials are moved by automatic materials-handling equipment. All assembly work is done by automatic assembly machines. And the quality control checking is all done automatically. The factory may be dark inside. It may not even be heated or air conditioned. Most machines do not need lights or comfortable temperatures. A factory in which everything is done by machines automatically is an automatic factory.

Integration of Systems. In an automatic factory, all the various systems work together. This integration of the various systems into one giant system makes the factory "automatic". All the information collected from all the subsystems is kept in a main computer. The main computer directs the other computers.

Since all records are kept in computer files there is no need for file cabinets, typewriters, and similar types of equipment. A copy of a report or drawing can easily be printed at any time.

automated 自动化的

automatic 自动的

self-operating (能)自主操作的

air condition 空气调节

assembly machine 装配设备

file cabinet 文件柜

flexible manufacturing systems 柔性加工系统

islands of automation 自动化孤岛

manufacturing cell 制造单元

materials-handling equipment 材料搬运设备


课程A  什"是制造?







课程B  自动化工厂和自动工厂











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