摘要:目前,机立窑存在着很多的问题。这些初级阶段的立窑装备老化、不完善,工艺落后,消耗大,成本高,生产不稳定,产量质量低,它们正处于被淘汰的处境。因此,新型的JLY3809机立窑应运而生。而窑体及卸料装置的结构的好坏决定了此机立窑总体结构的好坏。JLY3809机立窑从以下方面对窑体及卸料装置方面进行了改造。1.大胆地的对原有机立窑进行了扩径改造,实现对立窑产量的大幅度提高。2.窑体保温直接影响机立窑产、质量,由于窑体保温不好,配煤增加,中部热量过剩,造成中部煅烧带延长,底火下移,影响机立窑煅烧,产量降低。故本机立窑在窑体内采用了绝热保温效果好的新型保温材料和浇注料。3. 选用新型窑体卸料结构。本机立窑不宜采用塔式结构,因为塔式结构不仅增加卸料部分高度,缩短窑的有效高度;而且随着窑径扩大,塔式窑中、边部卸料能力不均匀性越大,造成中部卸料速度远远大于边部卸料速度,必然造成底火拉深,中风不足,故我选择了卸料均匀性好的双曲面可换齿高效节能塔篦。经过对窑体及其卸料装置这一系列的结构和技术的改造,JLY3809机立窑的能耗变低,水泥产质量都得到了提高。
he design of the JLY3809 machine sign kiln (the kiln body and unload to anticipate a parts)
Abstract: Currently, the machine signs kiln exists a lot of questions. Such as material aging, not perfect, the craft falling behind, consuming greatly, high cost, unsteady production, and low output mass in these entrlevel step’s sign kilns. They are placed in elimination of circumstances. Therefore, the JLY3809 machineses of the new model sign kiln emerge with the tide of the times. But the quality of the kiln body and unload apparatus comes to a decision of the quality of this machine signs kiln total structure. The kiln body and unloaded apparatus of the JLY3809 machineses sign kiln are carried on a reformation from the following aspects. 1.The diameter reformation is carried on to expand bravely in the original machine signed kiln. Then the kiln output of significant exaltation is realized. 2. The kiln body heat preservation will effect the production and quality directly. Because the kiln body heat preservation is not good. The mass of the coal will increase. The central calorific value will excess. These will result in that the central burning strap extends and the bed fire descends to move. 3.Unload to anticipate structure is chosen with the new kiln body. This machine's signing kiln should not adopt the tower type structure, because the tower type structure not only increases the division height, but also shortens the burden height of the kiln. And with the kiln diameter magnification, in the tower type kiln, the ability of anticipate asymmetry of the side unload unit is bigger, this results in that the speed of the central part of the unload apparatus is far larger than the speed of the side unit. It makes the bed fire tractive by all means deep and the middle wind suffers shortage. So energy tower with a good double of even curved faces is chosen, so that tooth can be changed. In addition, the energy tower is economical and efficient. Passed by a reformation of the kiln body and a series of structures and technologies of unload apparatus, Consumption of JLY3809 machineses' signing kiln can be become low, and the cement produces masses can get an exaltation.
Key words:The machine signs kiln,Kiln body heat preservation,Unload to anticipate apparatus,Tower type
