7.1.1 mechanical and electrical repair of combining
7.1.1 机械修理与电气改造相结合
Generally speaking, the need for a transformation of the electrical machine, are subject to mechanical repairs. Repairs to determine the requirements, scope, content must be decided by electrical machinery required to transform the structure of the request; transformation to determine electrical and mechanical repair, alteration between the staggered time requirements. The mechanical properties of intact electrical transform the basis of success.
7.1.2 easy first, and to the overall situation after the first local
7.1.2 先易后难、先局部后全局
The removal of the original system must control the original drawings, carefully, to make drawings in a timely manner marked to prevent the demolition or omission (of local circumstances). In the process of demolition will discover some new system design in the gaps, and that should be promptly added, removed and parts of the system should be disaggregated, safekeeping, in case of failure or partial failure reinstated. There is a definite value, and can be used for spare parts for other machines. Must not extravagantly used and misplaced.
7.2 reasonable arrangements for a new location and routing system
7.2 合理安排新系统位置及布线
Under the new system design drawings and reasonable new system configurations, including fixed box, panel installation, alignments, and the fixed position adjustment components, sealing and necessary, such as decoration. Connection must be a clear division of work, it was reviewed inspection to ensure connectivity of norms, diameter appropriate, accurate, reliable handsome.
7.3 Debugging
7.3 调试
Commissioning must be identified in advance by the steps and requirements