玩软件 > ProE|CREO


2022-02-09    作者:未知    来源:网络文摘

1.  How to add “Tab”&“Group” in Creo2.0 Customer Ribbon?
When we open Creo2.0, it usually displays below shown, sometimes we may need some shortcuts defined by ourselves, adding a tab or a group on the head to organize them might be much more efficient for working. How to add a tab or group? Pls continue reading.
1.1 Open Creo2.0, menu “File” ->“Options” ->“Creo Parametric Options” window;
 1.2  Click “Customize Ribbon”, the “Creo Parametric Options” window will change to like below shown, will use the right side to complete the actions;
1.3  Click “New Tab” button to add a new tab, you can right click the new tab to edit it  (rename/remove/move up/down…) then click “OK”.
1.4  Back to “Creo Parametric Options” window, add new group, choose the which tab the new group belongs to, here we choose the new tab created in step 1.3.
1.5 Click “New group” button, will add a new group
1.6 The same with the tabs, you also can edit the group here by right clicking it.
2. How to change your shortcuts icon?
    When you create a mapkey in Creo, it always shows smile face  icon, how to change this icon to another one can represent the action, let’s learn together.
2.1  In Creo, open the “Creo Parametric Options” window, click “Quick Access Toolbar”;
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